Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Wednesday Giveaway!

Welcome to the second giveaway for Three Days Three Ways. Today it's a generous 3-month supply of SUCCEED which comes in at a whopping $300. I'm pretty excited about this giveaway since it's something that 1) I use to keep weight on my hard-keepers and 2) have seen used to great success (no pun intended!).

True story: When I spent the winter in Ocala with Wendy Lewis she had a horse who had to stay on SUCCEED or he would colic immediately. We tried to wean him off it once and he got to colicing and we said, "He's got to stay on this stuff". So he stayed on SUCCEED and the colic stayed away.

To enter today's giveaway leave a comment below with the function of each of the SUCCEED ingredients:

1) Oat Oil (polar lipids)
2) Oat Flour (beta glucan)
3) Glutamine

Want a hint? The answers are on the SUCCEED website! Winner will be chosen from all the correct answers. Good luck and have fun!

Congratulations to Jessica and her Thoroughbred gelding on winning the SUCCEED giveaway!


  1. Oat Oil — contains polar lipids, vegetable fat molecules with water soluble and fat soluble ends. Polar lipids strengthen the tight junctions between enterocytes and increase nutrient absorption up to five times.
    Oat Flour — contains Beta glucan, a soluble polysaccharide. Beta glucan is a powerful stimulant to the immune system, and helps normalize the feed transit rate through the GI tract.
    Glutamine — an amino acid that provides fuel to muscles, and helps strengthen and lengthen intestinal villi.

    I've never had my horses on Succeed but I'd love to try it, since my competition horse is in Massachusetts during the school year where grass and turnout is very limited in the winter. Sounds like it could really be good for her!

  2. 1) Oat Oil (polar lipids)
    support the intestinal mucosa, and help facilitate nutrient absorption.
    2) Oat Flour (beta glucan)
    stimulates the immune system and moderates the transit rate of feed through the GI tract.
    3) Glutamine is an amino acid, which is a building block of protein and supports a healthy mucus lining throughout the digestive tract.

  3. 1. Polar lipids strengthen the tight junctions between enterocytes and increase nutrient absorption up to five times.
    2. Beta glucan is a powerful stimulant to the immune system, and helps normalize the feed transit rate through the GI tract.
    3. an amino acid that provides fuel to muscles, and helps strengthen and lengthen intestinal villi.

  4. I would REALLY love to win this! I have a hard keeper Appendix gelding, and I've recently been looking at this product to see if it would help him use his feed more efficiently.

    I never win anything (sigh), but it's worth a try, so here are my answers:

    1) Oat Oil (polar lipids) support the intestinal mucosa, and help facilitate nutrient absorption.

    2) Oat Flour (beta glucan) stimulates the immune system and moderates the transit rate of feed through the GI tract.

    3) Glutamine supports a healthy mucus lining throughout the digestive tract.

    Fingers crossed! :)


  5. oat oil - strengthens the tight junction and increases nutrient absorbtion

    oat flour - stimulant to the immune system, helps normalize the feed transit rate through the GI tract

    Glutamine - provides fuel to muscles and helps strengthen and lengthen the intestinal villi

  6. Charlee MarinovichMarch 24, 2010 at 5:36 AM

    oat oil- polsr lipids strengthen the tight junctions between enterocytes and increase nutrien absorbotion up to five times.

    oat flour- beta glucan is a powerful stimulant to the immune system, and helps normalize the feed transit rate through the GI tract

    Glutamine- an amino acid that provides fuel to muscles, and helps strengthen and lengthen intestinal villi.

  7. 1) Oat oil is a polar lipid, that has water soluble and fat soluble ends. Polar lipids strengthen the tight junctions between enterocytes and increase nutrient absorption
    2) Oat flour contains Beta glucan, a soluble polysaccharid that is an immuno-stimulant that helps normalize the feed transit rate through the GI tract.
    3) Glutamine is an amino acid that fuels muscles and helps to lengthen and strngthen intestinal villi.

  8. Oat oil facilitates nutrient absorption and supports intestinal mucosa. Beta glucan supports the immune system and regulates transit rate through the GI tract. Glutamine is an amino acid that helps build proteins and supports the mucus membranes of the GI tract. My horse is healthy and I'm not sure she NEEDS Succeed but, with all the great endorsements on their page, I'd love to give it a try and see what all the fuss is about! Keeping my fingers crossed!

  9. Oat Oil-Increases nutrient absorbtion.
    Oat Flour-Stimulates the immune system
    Glutamine-fuels the muscles.

  10. I'm always impressed with how generous SUCCEED is with their product. My boy has been on it for about a month now. We go through frequent hay changes at our barn because we don't have a large storage area, so it's constantly coming in at different qualities without much changeover time. The switching tends to give Ace a bit of a gassy belly, but he's been fine through the changes since he's been on SUCCEED. I know what all the ingredients do, but I'm going to stay out of this one for now and let someone else have a chance. :)

  11. Oat Oil — contains polar lipids, vegetable fat molecules with water soluble and fat soluble ends. Polar lipids strengthen the tight junctions between enterocytes and increase nutrient absorption up to five times.

    Oat Flour — contains Beta glucan, a soluble polysaccharide. Beta glucan is a powerful stimulant to the immune system, and helps normalize the feed transit rate through the GI tract.

    Glutamine — an amino acid that provides fuel to muscles, and helps strengthen and lengthen intestinal villi.

  12. Hi :) Here are the Succeed functions: 1. The polar lipids derived from oat oil strengthen the tight junctions between enterocytes and can increase nutrient absorption up to five times. 2. The Beta glucan derived from oat flour is a powerful stimulant to the immune system and helps normalize the feed transit rate through the gastro-intestinal tract. 3. The amino acid, glutamine, helps to strengthen and lengthen intestinal villi. Yay for Succeed! :)

  13. 1) Oat Oil - support the intestinal mucosa / help facilitate nutrient absorption.
    2) Oat Flour - stimulates the immune system / moderates the transit rate of feed through the GI tract.
    3) Glutamine - amino acid - building block of protein / supports a healthy mucus lining throughout the digestive tract.

  14. I just found your blog through COTH's Twitter account and I love it! All kinds of cool posts to catch up on reading.

    I have heard good things about Succeed and would love to try it for my QH/Arab mare who easily gets digestive upset. And how generous of them to give away a three-month supply! :)


    Polar Lipids, which are found in the Oat Oil, help the intestinal mucosa function correctly and also help make sure nutrients are properly absorbed.

    The Beta Glucan, which is a soluble fiber in Oat Flour, helps to normalize the rate of food passing through the gastrointestinal tract and stimulates the immune system.

    Glutamine, an essential amino acid (which are the components, or 'building blocks,' of proteins) helps support the mucus lining of the digestive tract.

  15. Oat Oil — contains polar lipids, vegetable fat molecules with water soluble and fat soluble ends. Polar lipids strengthen the tight junctions between enterocytes and increase nutrient absorption up to five times.
    Oat Flour — contains Beta glucan, a soluble polysaccharide. Beta glucan is a powerful stimulant to the immune system, and helps normalize the feed transit rate through the GI tract.
    Glutamine — an amino acid that provides fuel to muscles, and helps strengthen and lengthen intestinal villi.

  16. I would REALLY love to win this giveaway! I have a TB gelding who we suspect is a high acid producer and I have been considering using this product for awhile now!

    From the Succeed Website
    Oat Oil (polar lipids)- components of oat oil, support the intestinal mucosa, and help facilitate nutrient absorption.
    Oat Flour (beta glucan)- rich in a soluble fiber of oats called Beta-glucan which stimulates the immune system and moderates the transit rate of feed through the GI tract.
    Glutamine-(An Amino Acid)- building blocks of proteins, support a healthy mucus lining throughout the digestive tract.

    On a side note I have already been researching this product and I learned a few things.
    Although Glutamine is not an essential amino acid, but it is the most abundant amino acid in the body, especially in muscle tissue. This Amino Acid is in high demand so supplementing may be necessary. Glutamine is involved with building muscle, repairing intestinal tissue and enhancing the immune system.

    Beta Glucan is found in humans to maintain blood sugar, and it aids in earlier digestion of starches and sugars reducing issues/effects of the sugars in the hind gut

    This is GOOD stuff!

    Jessica Wickersham

  17. oat oil - strengthens the tight junction and increases nutrient absorbtion

    oat flour - stimulant to the immune system, helps normalize the feed transit rate through the GI tract

    Glutamine - provides fuel to muscles and helps strengthen and lengthen the intestinal villi

  18. 1) Oat oil is a polar lipid, that has water soluble and fat soluble ends. Polar lipids strengthen the tight junctions between enterocytes and increase nutrient absorption
    2) Oat flour contains Beta glucan, a soluble polysaccharid that is an immuno-stimulant that helps normalize the feed transit rate through the GI tract.
    3) Glutamine is an amino acid that fuels muscles and helps to lengthen and strngthen intestinal villi.


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